Monday, December 1, 2014
Mandatory HERS Testing in the 2013 Title 24 code.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Unnecesary complications in Green Building codes
What I would propose instead is this. Use the (BIG) system "GreenPoint Rated" but don't alter it, no extra points, no extra measures just use the system. They have already developed the system to result in improved building practices. Also require certification through (BIG) which will then result in a much better documentation of the codes. Don't have complicated tables that break down what is required by size or valuation. This is asking for difficulty in interpretation, something the people behind the building department counter don't need as much as the applicant for a permit. I obviously am all for improving our buildings and building practices and my business is about this, but I fear that the well intentioned green building codes that are coming out around Marin are creating some ill will towards the concept.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Leaky outlet boxes
You foam the slots where the wires pass through and no more leak.
As of 12/6/10
SG-1 $2.89 each 40 per case
2G-2 $4.98 24 per case
RD-1 $4.55 36 per case
FR-1 $7.70 15 per case
HERS II audits update
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Additions in San Rafael

Friday, September 17, 2010
Existing Home HERS II audits
What is a HERS II audit you ask?
Here is what is involved with an audit. Essentially it is like a check up at the doctor, but of course we do house calls. You may feel a little uneasy with us crawling all around but this is what it takes to really assess your house’s performance. If there is a room where you absolutely don’t want us to go, that is your right but it does add challenges to our process.
You are welcome to observe and learn right along with us just what is going on with your house. It takes the better part of a day to do a complete audit. When all is done I will provide you with a report that documents the issues we find and gives you an itemized list of things to improve your homes performance or comfort. There will also be a rating number assigned to your home comparing it to what has been determined to be the standard home by the 2008 Title 24 Standards rated at 100. It is conceivable that your home could rate at 100 or lower but I’ve not seen any yet.
Your preparation for our visit:
Think about any issues you may be having with the house, cold, odors, leaks, drafts, etc.
Provide copy of at least 1 year of utility bills
log on your account at PG&E.
click on usage. they have the last two years available.
Print out table
Graph electric usage and Gas usage, selecting degree days at bottom of graph
Print these two graphs
Would also like to see some actual bills to see if they are hitting the tiers
Clear access to heat registers and utility areas, such as furnace and water heater
For the blower door test we will put a large calibrated fan into an appropriate door opening sealed with a special frame and canvas apparatus. With all exterior openings closed we then blow air into the home, pressurizing it to 50 pascals. The fan is attached to a device that can then read the CFM leakage of the structure by comparing pressure differences between the interior and exterior. This value is useful for comparison sake to a standard building. It is then possible to walk around the home and find what may be the worst sources of leakage.
For the duct leakage test we seal all the heat registers with tape and then through the cold air return use another calibrated fan to pressurize the duct system, again we can determine the leakage through pressure differences. Obviously we will need to access all of the registers.
I will also measure all existing windows and count all the lights.